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Sharing the love of Jesus Christ with the world.


Our mission here at Tallahassee Heights is bringing the love of Jesus Christ to our surrounding community. We believe our community isn’t limited to a few miles around our church, we called to share the love of Christ around the world. We partner with different groups, organizations, and individuals who share our call and vision.





Wednesdays  //  4:30pm - 6:00pm  //  Fellowship Hall (Drive-Thru Format)

Farm Share is a Tallahassee Heights mission to our community. We partner with state-wide food distribution agencies and local businesses to put food in the hands of families and individuals in our community who need it most.


Our drive-thru format allows you to pick up for other households (friends, family, neighbors), we just need their full name and number of people in their household.


Plus you will also get a hot meal for each person in your car, the opportunity to turn in a prayer request card, a Bible if you need one, and a warm greeting from your Tallahassee Heights friends.




Operation Christmas Child, the world’s largest Christmas project, is a program created by Samaritan’s Purse, a non-denominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. The mission of OCC is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to needy children across the globe, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. OCC brings joy and hope to needy children around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes and the Good News of God’s love.




Coming October 2022

Many in Tallahassee may not know our church by any other name but the “Pumpkin Patch Church.” In fact, we’ve had the privilege and honor of bearing this name for 36 years! The Pumpkin Patch brings a taste of fall to families in the community. Saturdays in October are especially fun as visitors can enjoy pony rides, bounce houses, face painting, special photo areas, food and music. The proceeds from each pumpkin support the next year’s patch and more importantly, go to various missions around the world, including Fellowship of Christian Athletes, our sister church in Cienfuegos, Cuba, Porch de Salomon, The Shelter, Teen Challenge, Samaritan’s Purse, and A Woman’s Pregnancy Center.





Porch de Salomon is a progressive, multi-faceted ministry, strategically located in Panajachel, Guatemala. This ministry operates Solomon’s Porch Cafe to serve and build relationships and dialogue with skeptical, post-modern expatriates and tourists. They provide flexible humanitarian relief to Guatemala’s indigenous people; food, housing, medical care, school scholarships, substance abuse rehab and more, as well as hosting many short-term mission teams year-round. Lloyd and Melanie Monroe founded Porch de Salomon in 2004 and have lived in Guatemala since 2005. Lloyd was a civil trial lawyer in private practice for 23 years before he and Melanie left their home and families in Waukeenah, Florida, to serve as full-time, volunteer missionaries.





The mission of A Women’s Pregnancy Center is to equip women and men with information and resources to make life-affirming choices and to share the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. All services are offered free of charge , including pregnancy tests, educational ultrasounds, information about pregnancy, abortion, and adoption, parental development, and assistance with maternity and baby needs. 





The Kearney Center provides 24-hour comprehensive emergency services to individuals experiencing or on-the-verge of experiencing homelessness within the Big Bend (8-county) region. This facility serves as a point of entry into assistance by coordinating services and responding to the immediate needs of individuals and families until appropriate permanent housing can be arranged. 








The Cienfuegos United Methodist Church in Cuba and our church have established a covenant to support each other in spiritual growth. Each would include the other in prayer and when possible send a church representative to participate in our sister church’s ministry whether in Florida or Cuba. We should continually keep our sister church in our prayers. Members can visit our sister church through the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church.



East Angola Quessua Mission


Before the war, the East Angola Quessua Mission was a center of excellence in the country as it accommodated the best agricultural demonstration farms, poultry and livestock breeding, schools and a hospital.  After the war Quessua was completely destroyed and surrounded by land mines.  With the assistance of mission partners, many infrastructures have been rebuilt and ministries started,  Such as: Quessua Schools, Quessua Agriculture, Quessua Mission Boarding House, Quessua School of Theology, and monthly Pastor Salary Support.



Gideons International


Every scripture distributed by The Gideons International is provided through gifts from local churches and individual Christians like you! The Gideons partner with churches anywhere, to reach the unreached everywhere. Together, they share more than One Million Copies of God's word every five days in hotels, schools, hospitals, prisons, and more!

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